Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Shower!

We had a great turnout at Tuesday night's Relief Society Activity. We decided to have lots of fun and throw a big baby shower for a local crisis nursery. The party included lots of service. We brought sewing machines and set to work making baby blankets and sheets.
We learned to crotchet around burp cloths
Played games
Donated lots of cute clothing, blankets and supplies
And then we finished it all off with treats and party favors! Thanks to all of you lovely ladies for a wonderful evening of friendship and service!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Don't miss our "Cooking from your Cupboard" Summer Social!
Pray for good weather so we can enjoy our annual traditional get-together.  (In case the weather doesn't cooperate, we'll meet in the cultural hall.)  
This year each of you will receive a cd packed with great tips and recipes for provident living.  It's a great addendum to last year's cookbook!
Can't wait to see you

Friday, April 10, 2009

Blessing lives one blanket at a time...

You may know Dona Mae for her wonderful service each week in the ward library, but, did you know that she tirelessly pieces and sews these wonderful baby blankets with scraps donated by Brett and Cindy Cloward!  No scrap is left unused!  She's a modern day miracle worker!!
The incredible hands that have made countless children and mothers snuggly and warm!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Refugee service Night

You're amazing and generous donations made it feel like Christmas all over again.  This sweet family held the door and helped bring all of the items into their home.  Within ten minutes the empty living room had a couch and boxes FILLED with essential items, the empty kitchen soon had a table and chairs with counters covered with more goodies.  Then, we filled other rooms with your generous donations.  There are not words to describe the incredible feeling as we watched them take off flip flops and put on the beautiful new shoes.  We're certain they're still going through all the boxes of wonderful items you provided to this family.  We are hopeful that these pictures will give you an INKLING of the joy that your generosity has brought into the lives of our brothers and sisters from Somalia.  We are grateful to Tyler and Kelly for their muscles (not to mention the horse trailer) without whom much of the big stuff might have put us women in the hospital.  A HUGE thank you to Stefanie Fenton for organizing this event, and making all of the arrangements, in spite of a cold.  She is AMAZING!!  
And to all of you who gave so much,

Our beautiful Somalian friends and their social worker.  

Mother and Daughter looking through the wonderful gifts.  We wish you could have seen the big smile on her face as she pulled out a pair of sweats and then shorts and then "surgies" to size them up, then pointed to herself and said, "For ME!" and laughed and laughed.

This handsome guy didn't want to get off the horse.  At his request, he got an individual shot!!

We had to chuckle a bit because the guy with the big grin wearing the Ernie shirt lives on SESAME ST. (well, technically it's Sesame Cr. but it's just off of Sesame St:)

This little cutie pie was THRILLED with his light up Spiderman Sneakers...he walked all over the house carrying his monkey friend and watching the lights go!

The precious children who received shoes, clothes and toys could not have been more adorable!  Notice the sweet girl with the was the first thing she picked up and she didn't let go of it the rest of the night!

Snowshoe Excursion

Nuno & Carene Battaglia, Brooke and Jill Derr, Jay L, Martha & Catherine Beck, Chrissy hannemann, Linda Wilkins-McGee & Heather McGee and Donna Belnap made it

Welcome Heather McGee...our newest Relief Society SISTER :)

It could not have been a more beautiful day to enjoy the great outdoors in American Fork Canyon!!  These guys look like pros!